

中華民國國際關係學會很榮幸的取得第五屆國際關係世界大會(Fifth Global International Studies Conference)的主辦權,這將是該研討會首次由歐洲移師亞洲舉辦。我們預計於2017年4月1日至4月3日,假國立臺灣大學社會科學院進行。

本次研討會主題為”Dialogue Across Borders in Turbulent Times: Addressing Global Challenges”。包括以下議題:

  1. Regional cooperation mechanisms (e.g. ASEAN)
  2. The nexus of regional/international/local
  3. (Comparative) Foreign policy of Asian states and others
  4. US-China relations
  5. Human rights and international norms
  6. Cross border coopeation mechanisms concerning migration
  7. Ethno-political conflicts and peace negotiations in Asia
  8. Teaching IR in a non-Western context
  9. Turmoil in the Middle East and its spillover effects
  10. The Possibilities of a Global IR
  11. International Relations in (South) East Asia
  12. Historical and sociological approaches to study world politics
  13. Environmental regimes after Paris
  14. Energy politics






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