ANZJES Call for papers

Australia New Zealand Journal of European Studies (ANZJES)

Special Issue

Is the future of the European Union more differentiated?

 Brexit, Schengen area, Eurozone, “opt-out” mechanisms, permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) are just some of the few examples of a differentiated integration (DI) characterizing the European Union (EU) nowadays. Integration is differentiated when, within the common framework of EU competences, not all member states are subject to the same and uniform community rules. In the literature there is a wide consensus on the fact that the different instruments of DI have offered successful solutions for overcoming possible political vetoes and stalemates, promoting deeper integration only among those member states willing to pursue it. Under this perspective, DI reflects the heterogeneity of interests of the EU Member States. Recently, the EU has adopted several measures promoting a differentiated integration. For instance, almost all the answers adopted to overcome the 2008 economic crisis have been based on forms of DI (e.g. the Fiscal Compact). However, the future of the EU integration is not necessarily differentiated nor necessarily uniform: the most recent crisis, the Covid crisis symmetrically affecting all the Member States, has not produced differentiated answers but the adoption of homogeneous instruments (e.g. the Recovery Plan). So, if uniform integration cannot be taken for granted, DI cannot be considered inevitable either. If, on the one hand, DI has accommodate the differences between the Member States, on the other hand it has also offered a way for third countries to be associated to the EU without being full members. This is the case of Norway, Switzerland and many Neighbour Countries. Therefore, DI has an internal but also an external dimension. DI also poses a series of questions on the future of EU integration: how much differentiation is possible without putting at risk the entire integration? Where does differentiation end and disintegration begin? Is DI (with its complexity and, sometimes, duplication of institutions) increasing the complexity of the EU and its democratic deficit? And, finally, is the future of the EU inevitably more differentiated? ANZJES is looking for papers of around 6,000 words dealing with all aspects related to DI: theories of DI, the implications of DI for the EU integration, DI and negotiations theories, DI in EU policies, consequences of DI for relations with neighbors (including the UK). Proposal submission Please send all paper proposals to and It should include: The title of the proposed paper The name of the contributor(s), her/his/their affiliation(s) An abstract of no more than 150 words. Submission deadlines Deadline for sending paper proposals: 20 April 2021 Decision on selected papers: 30 April 2021 Deadline for sending papers: 21 November 2021 The Journal Launched in 2008, ANZJES is a scholarly, double-blind peer-refereed publication, which reflects the aims of its founding organisation, the European Studies Association of Australia New Zealand (ESAANZ). ANZJES is now published as an Open Access Journal hosted through the University Library at the University of Sydney. Articles published in ANZJES are searchable via Ebscohost and are included in current Excellence in Research for Australian (ERA) listings For more information:





  • 中華民國國際關係學會年度國際關係研究博士論文獎至多二名,獎金二萬元。本會頒發中、英文之得獎獎狀。所指導學生獲得中華民國國際關係學會年度國際關係研究博士論文獎之教授,頒發獎狀一紙。
  • 中華民國國際關係學會年度國際關係研究碩士論文獎至多五名,獎金伍仟元。本會頒發中、英文之得獎獎狀。指導學生獲得中華民國國際關係學會年度國際關係研究碩士論文獎之教授,頒發獎狀一紙。


  • 中華民國國際關係學會年度國際關係研究博碩士論文獎申請表一份(申請表如後連結,
  • 先繳交附有口試委員簽名頁之博碩士論文之電子檔,入選複審階段之申請人,學會將另外通知,並要求提供紙本論文一式三份。
  • 指導教授同意書,同意書格式







  • 受理收件時間:即日起至 2021年9月1日(以電郵郵件寄達日期為憑)
  • 論文審查時間:2021年9月2日至9月30日
  • 評選結果公告:2021年10月10日前,公告於中華民國國際關係學會網站
  • 頒獎典禮資訊:2021年中華民國國際關係學會年會(地點:外交部外交學院)



WISC Call for Applications Open Virtual International Workshops for Early Career Researchers, 18 May 2021

In line with the WISC tradition of exploratory workshops—from Cancun in 2015, via GoaJohannesburg and Prague in 2017/2018, to Barranquilla and Cebu City in 2019—that facilitates a collegial mentorship by senior scholars towards the cultivation of potential state-of-the-art research works of early career academics, WISC invites applications for participation in virtual international workshops, open to any field of studies and research interests relevant to International Studies. Such themes may include, but are not limited to, topics that invite intellectual debates, such as globality, decoloniality, relationality, and other, perhaps more ‘classical’, approaches which IR scholars see as critical in making sense of and possibly contributing to resolve global problems. Applicants from the Humanities and Social Sciences are particularly welcome to apply as long as they can present their research interests as relating to some conception of the “International.” Selected papers will be grouped into panels and are scheduled for virtual presentation and discussion with senior scholars from the Global South and the Global North on 18 May 2021.


Given the limited availability of workshop and paper giver slots the selection process will be competitive. Successful applicants will have a clear profile as promising scholars of any epistemological background dedicated to International Studies in the initial stages of their career. Normally they will be members of one of the member associations of WISC (the list of WISC members is available here). However, applications are also encouraged from scholars in countries where WISC is not present, especially from the Global South.


Complete applications must include:

  1. A paper proposal (up to 1.000 words, excluding bibliography) specifying the extant contribution to International Studies
  2. CV (1 page)
  3. List of publications. References (i.e., names of scholars who may possibly be willing to provide letters of reference if requested) are not required, but up to three references may be provided

Contact and Deadline

Applicants must submit proposals electronically to using a pdf document format. Applications with all required accompanying materials contained in a single pdf-file, must be received by January 29th, 2021.

If you do not receive an email confirmation within seven days after sending your proposal, please resend it to the same address since there may have been transmission problems.

All applicants will receive notification as to whether their proposal has been accepted in late February 2021.

Update & Call for Papers: EUSAAP Conference 2021

New Directions, New Leadership in a post-Covid Environment
28+29 June 2021, Melbourne, Australia

2021 presents EU scholars with a new canvas on which to explore the nature and direction of European Integration. The conference will focus upon the renewal of the EU’s institutional leadership and the new priorities and challenges for the EU27 in a post-Covid-19 environment. Papers are welcome from a broad multidisciplinary perspective that investigate these questions from both, an European and Asia Pacific perspective.

Building capacity and sustainability in EU Studies in the Asia Pacific region both academics as well as graduate students are invited to participate. Early career researchers will be able to benefit from networking with more experienced participants, develop important research and presentation skills and bring new and different perspectives to the conference.

Due to the pandemic-related cancellation of the 2020 conference, this also serves as celebration of the 15th EUSAAP conference, the founding of the European Studies Association Australia and New Zealand (ESAANZ) and the 20th anniversary celebration of the National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE) at the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), seat of the EUSAAP secretariat.


Conference papers accepted for 2020 and automatically transferred to 2021:

Confirm your attendance as in-person or virtually by 31 January 2021. Paper titles can be amended until 19 February 2021.
Presenters that need to withdraw their paper can do so with a refund of their registration fees until 31 January 2021.

Additional or new papers can be submitted until: 19 February 2021

For information on the conference please visit


會議時間:2021年10月1日 (星期五)
一、 會議目的
二、 徵稿注意事項
有意發表者,請填寫:(1) 800字左右論文摘要(約2頁);(2) 簡歷表(限1頁),含大學以上學歷、碩、博士論文題目、簡要學經歷、出版品等項目。
三、 會議時程
投稿論文摘要請於2021年3月21日之前寄送:蔡旻芳小姐 (電子郵件 )。投稿論文摘要經初審通過者,本所將於2021年4月1日之前通知。發表人請於2021年9月8日之前繳交論文全文(中文論文:12,000至15,000字;英文論文8,000至10,000字)。論文摘要及論文全文稿件,本所得提供初審意見或修改建議,宣讀人宜納入創作及撰稿之參考。論文內容包括:論文題目、作者學校系所及年級、email、摘要、關鍵詞、本文、註解及參考文獻等事項。論文需註解參考資料來源,不得有抄襲及其他違反學術及研究倫理之情事。字數不符規定或逾期繳交者,本所恕不列入會議議程宣讀人名單。論文格式請參照《歐美研究》季刊範本。論文全文發表者,本所將提供國內交通費(北北基以外地區)及4,000元台幣發表費;另獲選優等論文者,將酌予獎勵。本所建議會議論文宣讀人全程參加發表會,以相互學習觀摩並促進學術交流合作。



今年年會學會特別邀請美國在台協會處長酈英傑(W. Brent Christensen)蒞會發表專題演講,以「變動世界局勢下的美臺夥伴關係」為題,從當前美國川普政府的政策及選後的新情勢,面對現今國際關係與國際秩序的趨勢及美中關係的發展的評估,提出當前美臺關係的挑戰及契機,不僅全面性回顧雙邊關係成果,也對未來關係提出具體政策方向。



中華民國國際關係學會以推動國際關係研究為宗旨,為非營利之社會團體 ,於2007年9月8日正式成立,以作為提供國內國際關係學者與科系彼此之間的溝通橋樑、與國際相關學會與會議活動的聯繫管道、推動國際關係學術發展與研究討論的論壇場所、以及促進國際關係教學研究與教育推廣的整合機制。更多學會活動可參見學會網站,。

2020 國際關係學會年會入選論文公告事宜




中華民國國際關係學會 敬上

2020 國際關係學會年會─論文海報投稿公告

為大學部學生且對國際關係研究有發表興趣者, 本次年會提供十篇論文 海報發表機會。有意發表論文海報者,敬請於2020 年6 月24 日之前填 具「作者基本資料暨論文摘要表格」,並以電子郵件將相關資料傳送至國 際關係學會年會專用信箱。另請於電子郵 件主旨欄填上「論文海報投稿2020 國際關係學會年會─論文海報─ (作者 姓名)」,以利甄選作業之進行。本會預計於2020 年6 月30 日公告入選 論文,並通知投稿者。

‧ 海報內容需包含:論文題目、作者(含職稱或就讀單位)、內文。
‧ 內文建議依序包含六大段落:「摘要」、「研究目的」、「研究方法」、「結果與討論」、「結論與建議」、「簡要文獻」,並可視需要自行調整。
‧ 海報發表採一篇論文A1 海報一張。
‧ 海報格式請參照本會於錄取通知函所附上之PPT 範本,請務必依照本會提供之PPT 範本製作。
‧ 海報整體以美觀清楚、容易閱讀為原則;若有圖表,需以良好解析度呈現。

‧ 發表人須於109 年11 月16 日前,將製作完成的海報PPT 檔,連同轉檔後的PDF 檔, 以電子郵件傳送至國際關係學會年會專用信箱,並請於電子郵件主旨欄填上「論文海報2020 國際關係學會年會─論文海報原檔─ (作者姓名)」,以利本會協助印製論文海報。
‧ 若未能於上述規定時間寄送海報印製檔,請自行攜帶印製完成之A1 海報至會議現場。當天會議現場備有圖釘,若需其它美工工具請自備。

‧ 論文海報發表者須於109 年11 月28 日當天會議報到時間完成報到手續,並請發表者於中場茶敘時間於海報架旁,向評審委員及與會來賓說明研究內容,或與現場的專家學者及來賓交流討論,以利進行最佳論文海報之評選。

‧ 本會論文海報評選委員會將評選出一至三篇優秀作品,每篇作者將獲得中英文榮譽證書以及學生會員身分兩年免年費。
