【代轉發】敬邀參與「國立清華大學台北政經學院」4月12日、19日09:00線上演講:Prof. Vinod Aggarwal of UC-Berkeley on Global Trade System and Economic Statecraft,歡迎踴躍參加!
國立清華大學台北政經學院邀請了柏克萊加州大學(UC-Berkeley)政治系的Vinod Aggarwal教授進行兩次線上演講,主題是「全球貿易體系」及「經濟國策」,在全球政治經濟局勢遭遇巨大變動之際這些議題的重要性不言可喻。線上演講詳細資訊如下,敬請卓參,
Speaker: Professor Vinod Aggarwal (Distinguished Professor of Political Science and the Alann P. Bedford Chair in Asian Studies, Travers Department of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.)
Time: April 12th (Tue), 9 a.m.
Title: Wither the Global Trading System?
Venue: Cisco Webex Virtual Meeting Room
More information is available at https://www.tse.nthu.edu.tw/post/58-spring-seminar-series-wither-the-global-trading-system
Time: April 19th (Tue), 9 a.m.
Title: Thinking about Economic Statecraft
Venue: Cisco Webex Virtual Meeting Room
More information is available at https://www.tse.nthu.edu.tw/post/59-spring-seminar-series-thinking-about-economic-statecraft